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Week of the Young Child 2021 at Climbing Tree Community School


Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Climbing Tree Community School is excited to celebrate young children next week for NAEYC’s 50th Week of the Young Child! We celebrate young children every day, but this is a special week to share the importance of this unique age!

What is Week of the Young Child?

Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration of young children in our schools, homes, and communities and the unique needs of these community members.

Week of the Young Child was first organized by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in 1971, making this the 50th anniversary year! Read more about Week of the Young Child and NAEYC here.

Each day of Week of the Young Child has a different theme and a different focus. Today is Kick-Off Saturday for Week of the Young Child 2021! Starting on Monday, young children will explore Music Monday (April 12), Tasty Tuesday (April 13), Work Together Wednesday (April 14), Artsy Thursday (April 15), and Family Friday (April 16). It is sure to be a great week! Happy Week of the Young Child!

Local NAEYC state affiliates SAZAEYC and AZAEYC have organized events, information, and suggestions for how you can celebrate Week of the Young Child at home.

How will the Climbing Tree Community celebrate Week of the Young Child 2021?

To start off Week of the Young Child with Music Monday, the Dragon Class is going to tune in to Mr. Nature’s Music Garden while repotting their nasturtium seedlings!

To celebrate Tasty Tuesday, the Chouette Class is planning to tantalize their taste buds with a fruity pancake snack!

For Work Together Wednesday, the Wild Things will be coming together to celebrate Ms. Veronica’s last week. They are planning a sweet today together and will enjoy a tasty celebratory lunch.

Hold on to your helmets, the Wild Things are going to blast off into space and create super SPACEY art for Artsy Thursday!

Rounding out our week of celebrations is Family Friday! Our families are incredibly important to us, and we want to celebrate all of our families! Some classes will be talking about what their family means to them, painting and drawing their families, writing messages to their families, and maybe even surprising them with a little memento of their love!

Look out for our daily posts next week as we celebrate Week of the Young Child 2021!


Here are some helpful resources to help you and your child while you are at Climbing Tree Community School!

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